Who we Are
Our tutors are Columbia and Barnard students who are trained and closely supervised by our professional staff. They provide homework help, support for improvement in basic skills, and mentoring. They receive weekly feedback on their work and ongoing professional development to improve their skills.

“Working with the TLC has been an eye opening experience, not only from hearing students share about their own personal backgrounds and struggles that they have faced, but also from thinking about the education system as a whole, and the inherent inequalities and disadvantages that some students face.”

“Having this on-the-ground experience … brings so much more meaning and passion to my classroom work. It's definitely confirmed my goal of wanting to pursue social change through education work.”
“Working with students who feel like they can't ever be good at math … When you can finally connect with a student and help them understand complex math problems even though they never felt they could - that is the real reward.”

More Testimonials
“It's helped with my personal learning habits and has given me a close network of peers.”
“The training sessions taught me how to be a better tutor but also how to be a better student in my own studies.”
“I feel like my communication skills and social skills have improved because of all the interacting we do with students and the other tutors.”
“I have been able to implement the idea of a growth mindset into other aspects of my life.”