Third Party Technology Integrations

Partnering with GoBoard, some TLC tutors and students can tutor and learn in virtual reality. Using Oculus 2, tutors and students can connect in a VR classroom, draw on a virtual blackboard, and manipulate shapes in all multiple dimensions. The fall semester TLC showcased in school VR demos. In the spring of 2022, TLC will have a pilot where students and tutors connect in one-on-one and group settings in the virtual world.
Bespoke Technology: TLC’s In-House Apps
Using a low code developer platform, Quickbase, the TLC has built three in-house applications to track and monitor key performance indicators of our tutoring program. TLC developed these apps over the last six years to maximize student and tutor achievement. Our partner schools and teachers receive weekly updates with insights into their student’s tutoring experience, which helps inform their classroom practice.